One time payment. Software license should be purchased one time only. That's it. When you paid in full, you own software license for life. There is no additional software costs except hosting fee, but if you use your own hosting, you do not pay to us anything, ever. We also allow installment payments. If you need more details, please contact us by clicking here.

Professionalone time payment

$ 2000

Enterpriseone time payment

$ 2500

Above Prices means one time payment.
If you want to use Installment Payments, please contact us and we will give you detailed instructions.

If you want to start using your own compensation plan, here are the steps of how we work:
1. Initial payment link ($500) is here. After your payment, we will assign a first available development team to your project, so they will upload scripts and database to WEB server and prepare your project.
2. You create your compensation plan in Excel file, with some examples and descriptions, and send it to us. Please note: Software price is fixed if you use one way compensation plan and 1 bonus. Otherwise, we need to agree about the price (before we start).
3. We review your plan and ask questions, ask for more info etc. (if needed). When we understand your requirements, we start to work. Programming takes about 7-14 days (average).
4. After we finished programming of your compensation plan, we send you link to your software so you can test it. We also send you video films where you can see and learn of how to work with the software.
5. After you tested it and you say it is OK, you pay additional amount ($1500 or $2000, depending of version) and we give you permanent license. You can also pay using instalments - in that case, we need to define them before we start.
You can start to use the software immediately.